I am just so excited for my big brother's wedding. Of course, I am so happy for him and his spectacular fiancee as well, but... I love weddings. While they have found a wedding photographer, they didn't plan engagement pics. So since I was going to be in town, I offered to snap some.
Here we have a few. As you'll notice, they obviously weren't taken in Orange County. You might figure that out by the mass amounts of snow. Let me tell you about that! I was really hoping for snow on my trip back to Northeast Ohio, where I grew up. When I got in Thursday night, it was just barely trying to sleet. Friday morning, we woke up to a dusting of snow, still allowing the mud and grass to peek through. Soon enough, though, the wind kicked up and the clouds rolled in and we were getting dumped on! This wasn't ideal for our shoot that afternoon. As much as I wanted to take pretty pictures in the snow, I surely didn't want to take pictures in a blizzard.
We decided on going to the lobby of
The Lodge at Geneva on the Lake (which happens to be where I was married back in October 2007!) I was feeling a little unprepared for indoor photos as I, for whatever reason, decided not to pack my flash. D'oh. Regrets! So just in case I couldn't get anything good inside, we all agreed to brave the elements for a few shots outside. It was so cold and so windy, but so worth it. I love the look of Catie's coat with the bright white background.
Did I mention it was cold? |
After a few quick shots, we gladly made our way inside where I was feeling a little stumped with photos. Luckily, I was shooting family and my mom was also there so we just made it fun. There was a checker table in the lobby along with a huge gorgeous fireplace, so we did the best with what we had. There was also a jazz musician in the lounge down the hall providing nice music, and my mom bought us beers, so the shoot turned into something more like just hanging out with my family and taking some photos when we felt like it or came up with an idea. Here's a few of the indoor shots to leave with.
Ma, buying the beers. |
My clever brother, whom I taught how to play with depth of field, set this one up. The chalkboard is being held up by a beer. |
My family is funny. |
Really funny. |
Self timer family shot! |