Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Hailey's BBQ Photoshoot! - Orange County Children's Photographer

My husband and I were invited to a good friend's house for a barbecue one weekend. I had just gotten a new lens and decided to take my camera along to test it out. My goal, really, was just to see how useful it was in a casual environment. So I snapped a few shots here and there until I noticed that my friend's daughter, Hailey, was totally working it for the camera! I couldn't resist the impromptu photoshoot. What was perfect was that Hailey is such a natural for the camera. She didn't sit and cheese when I pointed the lens her way. She posed and moved from one spot to another, and listened to direction. It was perfect.

No cheese here. Only natural smiles!

Glen the Turtle had to get in on it, too.

I will be sharing more in a future post of Hailey and her little brother Tanner. Double the cuteness!

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